IT Governance is a part of corporate governance and focuses on IT, performance and risk. It revolves around processes and organizational structures for IT to support and achieve business objectives

Governance models which are often mentioned in relation to governance of IT are COBIT and ISO 38500. Where COBIT comes from the probably largest independent IT interest organization ISACA. ISO comes from the international standardization organization ISO. Many others exist including university based studies like Ross and Weill.

Governance arguably comes from government and the governors that where instated during times of colonization. Arguably, we also live in the 21st century where the meaning of some words can have changed. Today we meet concepts like “Data Governance” or “SAP Governance” which gives the concept of Governance a quite difference meaning.
These pages will setup the different Governance concepts and try to compare them

Cobit model

IT Governance models

Many models for IT Governance exists. The table shows some of the current other models.

Area Description
COBIT Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology is a governance model with 37 processes made and maintained by ISACA
ISO 38500 A very generic model on IT Governance based on the phases of direct, evaluate and monitor
Ross and Weill Ross and Weill use their combined experience and university theory to create an IT Governance model.

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